Monday, August 30, 2010

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 71 - 08-30-10

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 71

Craig and Face on a Special Monday Bonus edition of the show. Face shared his story of encountering a wandering baby on an elevator...he seemed very concerned. We also played Episode 4 of The Shek Republic Life in a Week where we answer the question, "Who is your Hero and why?" Where we learned that the High Plains Grifter a.k.a. Jeremy Lane has very low standards for a hero. I finally was able to play the story from The Moth podcast from Michela Murphy about her trip to the 1981 All-Star game, and I finished up with a music recommendation from Frou Frou, a remake of the Bonnie Tyler song "Holding out for a Hero."

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