Saturday, August 7, 2010

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 67 - 08-07-10

It was Mike Ditka versus a 2 year old...and Ditka is going to get slaughtered! Luke Dodge is no ordinary 2 year old, though...and he sings a mean "Take me out to the Ballgame" whereas the Juice Box guy...not so much.

It was an action packed VSR, as Craig announced his boycott of his own show. In addition, Cousin Brandon dropped in to say hi and we discussed sports fashion and our upcoming special about music and Mad Men...although that was before I took Betty over Joan, so it might be all over for me.

Face and the Whale helped me break down my Magnificent 7 list of the Seven goofiest uniforms in the history of pro sports. There are some real doozies on the list.

I played the first installment of "One week in the Shek Republic" and after that, Ed checked in to ask me the hard hitting questions and count backwards from ten.

I finished up the show by recommending a new theme song for Slammed! ("Gonna be so Drunk" by We Wrote the Book on Connectors) and then at the end played the historic Bibbi Babka song from classic show "Perfect Strangers."

Remember, Boycott VSR!

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