Saturday, June 19, 2010

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 59 - 06-19-10

Vertically Striped Technical difficulties marred the first 5 minutes of the show, as Craig was fiddling around with Skype, but just like Stella, the show definitely got it's grove back. Face Ventura did a terrific job of being the un-cohost, as he and Craig unveiled the nominations for the 2nd annual Sockie awards. Ed also called in for about three minutes as he was chasing after the Baby on a Big Wheel. He was a little upset, since he had been on hold for 45 minutes (in Ed time, in reality, I think it was probably 4 or 5 minutes.) We also honored a tremendous food website called by doing a Magnificent Seven Cupcake flavors. (Yes, we were openly defying Larry who said that was the sort of thing that we do.) We also did some 80% trivia, with both Major Minority and Face Ventura getting at least 80% correct to win. We finished up with a fake music recommendation of the Gin Blossoms and a little bit of World Cup talk. (That was NOT a real music need to listen to the Gin Blossoms)

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