Saturday, June 12, 2010

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 58 - 06-12-10

Episode 58 marked the first real show in awhile, and it featured the greatest Vertically Striped News story in the history of VSR. Let's just say the words "Cement Jesus" AND "Weiner Poopie" were involved. Joined by Face Ventura and The Whale, Craig was in a great mood as he had just returned from a soccer party where he had watched the United States earn a tie with England in the World Cup. We checked in with the Dan Lebatard show, as we discussed doing the wave at stadiums. Craig handed out some tickets to some deserving wankers, and saved the Red Card for those responsible for dissolving the Big 12. Face, Craig, and the Whale spent a little time discussing female sports fans, and an important axiom was announced. "All women sports fans will be treated as spies until proven otherwise." We bid a fond farewell to the NHL for another year, as we discussed the NHL Finals...or is it the NHL Final? Finally, Craig proposed the theory that New Hampshire doesn't actually exist. We're pretty sure it's just a conspiracy. The Music recommendation this week was the song "Anna Molly" by Incubus.

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