Saturday, December 8, 2012

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 192 - 12-08-12 - North Korea discovers Unicorns.

Ed dropped by to say hello and to break word that he is planning on creating his own website. Allegedly, he will be debuting soon, although he hasn't registered the site as of showtime. It sounds like a glorious feat of technology featuring real time downloads of LCS Network shows, actual photos, and the ability to order McDonalds for delivery.

After Ed left suddenly, Face and DOTfan dropped in to help with a new "Something to Think About" which allowed us to reminisce about lining up by height, wonder exactly how tight Peyton Manning keeps his helmet, and a pitch for the greatest Mountain Dew Code Red commercial of all time. (Which didn't recieve the love it was due.)

The show wrapped with a music recommendation of "Helplessness Blues" by Fleet Foxes.

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