Saturday, March 17, 2012

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 155 - 03-17-12

This was the final VSR for March, so we went really long to make up for the next two dark Saturdays.

It was an Irish themed show, sort of. We began with a merging of Muppets and Ireland for an intro, and then went into some sports discussion with Face, we did a Magnificent Seven list of 7 things we like about The Irish/Ireland, and then finished off with a lengthy and surprisingly heated discussion of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie from 1990.

Face and Craig dominated discussion today, with a bit of a cameo from The Whale. Our apologies to Ed, who called in, but we never got to him. The Show was already going long, so it's probably a good thing he hung up. The show wrapped up with a music recommendation from Tim Berry of the song, "Avoiding Catatonic Surrender".

I have no idea if this show is any good to listen to, but it sure was fun to make. Hope you enjoy it, and sorry it's so stinking long. We'll be back in April!

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