Saturday, September 3, 2011

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 124 - 09-03-11

It's the most wonderful time of the year!! (Nope, not Christmas, the beginning of FOOTBALL!) Despite the football madness, VSR focused very little on our favorite sport, but rather enjoyed one of those totally random type days. (A virtual certainty when the main agenda item is "Something to Think About")

John Kline joined Face and Craig as we waxed philosophically how people should be named Josh, decided no one likes yellow cups, discussed the service levels of the fast food industry, delicately handled porcupine procreation, and realized that you can, indeed, have a weird favorite color. Today was the kind of show that could make you want to punch a bear in the nose.

Among the oddities of todays show, we learned what it's like to be a decidely non-hard core guy doing hard core rap, we also were treated to the second edition of "Muppets Then and Now" and finished the festivites off with a music recommendation of "All is not Lost" by OK Go.

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