Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 89 - 01-15-11

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 89
They can't all be winners. Listen to this one at your own peril. The Steelers and the Ravens distracted the VSR gang tremendously on today's show. It devolved into a group of guys watching the game. We'll do better next week. We did manage to talk a bit about Rex Ryan and his unusual hobby of video taping his wife, and Trace Smith called in to talk some sports and to give Craig the lowdown on John Fox. We were about to bag it when Ed called in, and we all pretty much rambled to the finish line. The Vertically Striped Music Recommendation was William Shatner's version of CeLo's hit "F you" which seemed a completely appropriate way to end this trainwreck.

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