Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 82 - 11-20-10

It was the pre-game party for the Colorado Rapids as they prepared for the MLS Cup Championship game. (Which they won!) VSR celebrated by barely talking about them, although I did declare that I was very interested in the game. (I ended up watching it at a Rapids party that was VERY amped about the game, which was fun.)

Face Ventura and The Whale called in, and we discussed the upcoming "Much too early for a Christmas Special Christmas Special" that we will be doing next week. We also unveiled the final first round matchup in the Super Mario Music tournament.

The main discussion of the show revolved around the 1976 Epic movie "Rocky" which was pretty much universally loved on for 40 minutes.

The show closed with a recommendation of "Do You Realize" by The Flaming Lips, and if you hold out to the very end you can hear a reading of "The Big Orange Splot" a kids book that I just love.

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