Saturday, October 2, 2010

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 76 - 10-02-10

It was mustache appreciation day on VSR as Craig was sporting a ridiculous mustache as he did the show.

It was time once again for 80% trivia, and the callers were ready. Perhaps the questions were too easy, but three of the four callers were able to correctly get at least four of the five questions correct in the following five categories: The NFL season RIGHT NOW, Men with Mustaches, Name that Jim Carrey movie, Famous people's real names, and Name that Simpsons character. So congrats to Face Ventura, Jerry Fairish, and The Whale, and better luck next time he finished at 60% for the third straight edition of 80% Trivia.

In addition to the trivia, Craig also announced which team he would be supporting during the 2010 MLB a hint, it rhymes with "The Mampa Tay Days." We also talked a bit about Dez Bryants rather exorbitant $54,896 dinner bill and the auction currently going down on eBay for Bacon Kevin Bacon.

All in all, it was a rather full and fun day of fake radio. We topped things off with a recommendation of the song "The General" from the group Dispatch from their album "Bang Bang"

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