Saturday, May 15, 2010

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 53 - 05-15-10

Fresh from a visit to Invesco Field to remove a 5 year old curse from the Bronco statues in front of the staadium, Craig was in a good mood.

Face Ventura and the Whale both jumped in as we checked out this weeks' duel between an awkwardly comical commercial in the 90's for "Mr. Bucket" and a hilarious parody of the Wiggles entitled "The Clap."

The Magnificent 7 this week involved the seven worst songs a baseball player could possibly use for his intro music. Number 1 is particularly delightful, if you ask me.

John Kline of Elevation Radio checked in to discuss basketball, hockey, and most importantly this Sunday's Survivor Finale. For some reason, we kept putting a gun to John's head. Not sure why, but it was a fun gimmick.

We also had a great moment in Blog Talk History as a distraught Adam Miezin (noted Cavaliers fan) called in to a random show called "Vic the Brit" immediately after his Cavs were eliminated from the playoffs. This is not a joke, you bloody bloke! (Adam had been drinking, and was a bit depressed...great radio)

Finally, we tried to have a music recommendation, but the switchboard gave out, so instead we finish the show with The Whale and Craig singing the Dukes of Hazzard theme song. Quite the show.

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