Saturday, April 10, 2010

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 46 - 04-10-10

Craig soldiered on despite going to bed too late the night before, having a cold, and helping a buddy move for two hours right before the show. It helped that Face Ventura was around for most of the show picking up slack.

The show was a little uneven this week, although we had a good episode of "The Week in Wankery" and we had our first visit ever from Josh Semrow, aka Fourthand26, from the messageboard, Josh was making his DAMN debut, and let us know a little about his life of playing 4 square and buying Pokemon games.

The Ed called in after waking up from a nap and shared a bit of wisdom along with breaking down the stats from his fantasy baseball league this week. Apparently he is doing okay in WHIP...whatever that means.

Ed also let us know that there are six different flavors of Klondike Bar, although he didn't tell us what he would do for a Klondike bar. He also sang a song about a town in Arizona for some reason. We also had a brief cameo from Major Minority.

The music recommendation was the song "Sovay" from Andrew Bird from the album "Weather Systems." It's a little mellow, but not too shabby.

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