Saturday, December 3, 2011

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 137 - 12-03-11

We are venturing dangerously close to VSR Tebow overload. Face, the Whale, and Craig talked yet again about Denver's subpar quarterback sensation, Craig played a clip from the Fake Kyle Orton bemoaning losing his job and self respect to Tebow, we then talked with Chris, a guy in Denver who is trying to organize a Tebow flash mob in Denver, and even the Ed wanted to discuss the pride of the Gators. 

It wasn't all Tebow talk today, as we played a round of "Would you rather?", Craig discussed a Welch cat named Puss Puss, Craig played a voice mail message from an Austrailian School followed by Face and Whale flailing for a few minutes, Craig practiced his Beavis and Butthead impersonations, and we even had a very awkward edition of the Magnificent Seven (Top 7 Awkward words or phrases.) 

The Ed called in and did Ed type things for about 20 minutes at the end before we called it a day with a music recommendation of "You Don't Know Me" by Ben Folds.

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