Saturday, July 16, 2011

Vertically Striped Radio - Episode 117 - 07-16-11

The Vertically Striped Academy of Arts, Sciences, and Other Neato Stuff held center stage as Episode 117 was used to unveil the winners of the 3rd annual Sockie Awards.

Craig was flying solo all show, so today's show was kind of like leftover day for the show...All the audio clips that had been sitting on the shelf for months or more were thrown into the mix to keep Craig from losing both his voice and his sanity. Included in the mix, we helped Jim from Taxi pass his drivers test, Craig apologized for a giant mis-step on the Magnificent Seven television theme songs, we played the Duck song, and we heard the official anthem of summer.

Craig also took a little time to wonder why Denver is turning into Seattle as well as reminisce about his experiences at camp and also unveiled the troubling source of the official Royal Family Kids Camp theme song. He even invited the listeners to play Words with Friends and offered a prize for the first person who can email what instrument is being played in an audio clip. (Email your answers to

The Vertically Striped Music Recommendation was "You Remind Me" by Steve Poltz.

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